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Found 4 results

  1. When a divorce involves children or financial disputes that cannot be resolved amicably, court orders may be necessary. Here are some common types ... Child Arrangements Orders - Section 8 of the Children Act 1989 Care order: Granted by a court in the UK that gives the local authority (social services) parental responsibility for a child. Contact order: Specify the time the child will spend with the other parent. Emergency Protection Order: A very serious court order in the UK that allows a child to be immediately removed from their home or kept in a place of safety if they are believed to be in imminent danger of significant harm. Residence order: Determine where the child will live. Prohibited steps order: Prevent one parent from making certain decisions about the child's upbringing. Specific issue order: Address specific issues related to the child's upbringing, such as education or religious beliefs. Supervision order: Places a child under the supervision of the local authority social services for a specific period. Financial Orders - Section 24 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 Financial remedy order: Sets out how a couple's assets will be divided & any on-going financial arrangements Spousal maintenance: Orders one spouse to pay financial support to the other. Child maintenance: Orders a parent to pay financial support for their child. Property adjustment order: Determine how property and assets will be divided. Pension sharing order: Divide pension entitlements between the spouses. Lump Sum order: These orders require one spouse to pay a lump sum of money to the other. Sale of Property order: These orders can force the sale of property, even if one spouse objects, to ensure a fair division of assets. Other Orders Non-molestation order: Prevent one spouse from harassing or threatening the other. Occupation order: Grant exclusive possession of the family home to one spouse. Enforcement order: Used to enforce other court orders.
  2. This is a great overview of Spousal Maintenance by Sarah Jackson https://www.blbsolicitors.co.uk/blog/spousal-maintenance-how-much-and-for-how-long/ It covers the following What is Spousal Maintenance? What is the difference between spousal maintenance and child maintenance? The law regarding Spousal Maintenance Would the court order Spousal Maintenance in your case & if so for how long? Calculating Spousal Maintenance Maintenance Pending Suit Capitalising Spousal Maintenance What is Nominal Maintenance? Future bonus payments Protecting Spousal Maintenance payments
  3. Hi everyone, I've been married for 14 years and have 2 children (4 & 11) My spouse has asked for 50/50 shared care but I want them to live in 1 stable environment He earns a lot more than me (£80k), I only earn £14k. Will he need to pay me maintenance if the judge awards him with 50/50 shared care? I also want to know whether I would quality for any spousal maintenance?
  4. A list of useful websites & blogs about divorce ... Case Studies Children Case Studies (Holland Family Law) Family Law Case Studies (Bannister Preston) Family Law Case Studies (CWJ) Typical divorces (Law Donut) Court What to expect at a financial dispute resolution (FDR) hearing (Miles & Partners) Divorce Case Studies Family Law Case Studies (CWJ) FAQs FAQ (Vardags) General Ways to end your marriage or civil partnership (Citizens Advice) Mistakes to avoid in divorce Finances Calculators Wikivorce Divorce Calculator Clean Break When can I get a clean break and what happens if i dont get one? (Mediate UK) Consent Orders The ultimate guide to a financial consent order (Mediate UK) Lifestyle & Standard of Living Can you maintain the same lifestyle after divorce? (Vardags) Will I be able to maintain my standard of living post-divorce? (Vardags) Financial Settlement Financial order timetable (Curzon Green) The steps to a financial settlement on divorce (Harrogate Family Law) Dividing up money and belongings when you separate (Citizens Advice) Divorce Settlement Guide: What am I entitled to? Maintenance Child Maintenance Do I have to pay mortgage and child maintenance payments? (Gulbenkian Andonian) Spousal Maintenance Ultimate guide to Spousal Maintenance (Mediate UK) Pensions Pension Sharing Order: Your Complete Guide (PinningtonLaw) Property Can I divorce my spouse if we live in the same house? (Vardags) Can you be forced to sell your home as a result of separation or divorce? (Lindsays) What does divorce mean for your mortgage? (Money) What happens if I leave the family home during divorce negotiations? (Vardags) Mediation 5 reasons why your family mediation may not be working and how to fix it (Mediate UK) Ultimate guide to family mediation (Mediate UK) New Partners & Relationships Can I date whilst going through a divorce? (Vardags) Parenting & Children Can my spouse restrict access to my children? (Vardags) What can I do if my child is refusing to see the other parent? (Mediate UK) The ultimate guide to child arrangements (Mediate UK) 7 inescapable post divorce truths Recommended Websites Bannister Preston DAD.info Harrogate Family Law Holland Family Law Mediate UK PinningtonLaw Vardags Wikivorce
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